

The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) is a Division within the Ministry of Finance and Energy and is charged with administering the tax laws of Grenada in a fair and just manner. It is overseen by a Comptroller who is responsible for the Day to day operations of the Division, subject to the direction of the Permanent Secretary.

The core function of the Division is:
To administer the different tax legislations in the most equitable manner. Some of IRD’s responsibilities include:

1. Educating and guiding our clients on their rights and obligations as established in the various tax laws;

2. Assessing taxes, managing non-compliance and collecting all revenue due to the government;

3. Ensuring that all revenue collected is properly accounted for.;

IRD’s Tranformational Journey
The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) is currently undertaking a major reform initiative. This reform journey encompasses a review of the processes, procedures, human resource capacity, client base and operational structure with the aim of providing our client with a more efficient and effective service experience.
In assessing our clients’ base (their needs, revenue contribution, risk level, asset base etc) as a match against our limited resources it was apparent that operational units would need to be established to adequately service the needs of various categories of clients. Consequently, a Large and Medium Taxpayer and Small and Micro Taxpayer Unit were established.
IRD also established a Headquarters Section with a focus on Human Resources and Strategic Planning which includes a Legal component.


District Revenue Offices

  Sauteurs, St. Patrick:   
 +1 (473) 442-9324
  Grenville, St. Andrew:  
 +1 (473) 442-7446/6904
  Gouyave, St. John:  
 +1 (473) 444-8231
  Victoria, St. Mark:  
 +1 (473) 444-8425
  St. David:  
 +1 (473) 444-6243
 +1 (473) 443-7388
Cash Office
Monday - Friday:  08:00 to 15:00 

Opening Hours


08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00

Contact us

  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  +1 (473) 440-3556 / 435-6945/46
  +1 (473) 440-6621
  Financial Complex, The Carenage, St. George's

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